Best Fetish Phone Sex

Live Phone Sex - The Best is Yet To come

How The Best Phone Sex Will Make You a Better Person!

If you have heard about the new craze of the best phone sex, then you may have heard mostly negative things. Yet, when you consider the amount of technology that in being able to flirt (and possibly more), it shouldn’t seem like such a bad thing after all. People absolutely need to have an outlet, and they should be able to pursue the things that make them happy. Consider the following reasons for why the best phone sex is a good thing and possibly even something you could look into to spice up your life.



Leave It Up to Your Imagination:



On the one hand, it’s nice to have everything under the sun in the form of provocative imagery and pornography. The technology behind internet videos & pictures means you can get racy images and adult content free anywhere in the world. Have you ever considered the fact that everything you see on the internet is just in front of you? By being able to enjoy the best phone sex with someone you are creating the content as you go and sometimes less is more if you leave it to your imagination.



Be Suggestive and Push the Envelope:



While it may be more difficult to flat out be blunt and suggest certain things face to face on a date when it comes to sexting you have the ability to suggest whatever you would like. Pushing the envelope is part of the fun with phone sex and you could not only surprise the person on the other end of the call, they may just surprise you back!



Time to Think?



Part of the fun with phone sex, in general, is that you have time to wait. Even if you don’t like to do so, you have to sit back and wait for a response. In a society where everything is instant gratification and everything is about “give me results now,” sometimes having to wait and to think about the potential responses and opportunities can be hard. You get to make your experience more than just a five or ten-minute excursion and it can become a fully intertwined adventure.



Something to Look Forward To:



The key to looking forward to something is that you are just like a kid on Christmas. The excitement starts to take over and before you know it you are building anticipation. Because you have the potential it could come back. Knowing someone is sending messages just to you is an exciting ego boost. Knowing they are privately sending you personal pictures of their body and telling you naughty words about their fantasies can give you a sense of control most people crave.



Enjoyable & Private Fun!



The biggest thing about the best phone sex that you should consider when you are in the middle of it, is that it is safe and secure fun. If both parties agree and consent to the topic, then it is entirely about going down an exciting path together where the one thing you can count on is privacy. When you engage in sexting back and forth, you know neither party will get hurt because you are able to express your feelings and desires in a personal and confidential environment.




Best Phone Sex



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